
I am an artist living in San Francisco with my husband in a beautiful home where I have a dedicated studio space. We are surrounded nature and hills which is my daily dose of inspiration. I am typically a city girl and have lived my entire life in Hong Kong where I was born and raised. I also spent some time living in New York City during which I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at Parsons School of Design in Fashion Design. I was obsessed with becoming a fashion designer for as long as I can remember until 2018 where I decided to pick up a brush and paint for fun in my spare time and fell in love with painting. I have always loved creating, it is what excites me the most in life and I am passionate about bringing my perspective and feeling into every piece that I create. My work is a labour of love and sometimes I have a hard time letting go of certain pieces but I love seeing how each unique piece finds the perfect home and that brings me so much joy. Thank you for stopping by my page and supporting my journey.
Karriena is an acrylic and mixed media abstract artist based in San Francisco, she is driven by a passion for texture, colour, and the power of art to express the depth of human emotion. With a background in fashion design and a love for abstract expression, she brings a unique perspective to her work, to create pieces that are both visually stunning and emotionally resonant.
Karriena’s work is inspired by the transitions in her life and having gone through many changes so quickly she wishes to have the opportunity to pause, slow down and preserve certain moments. “I have felt that life just passes us by so quickly and that if we don’t take a minute, we lose out on fully experiencing and enjoying the moments that are so precious to us.” She takes sweet and pivotal moments from her life and translates it through an abstract expression. She uses layering of texture and acrylic paint to highlight the depth of our emotions and be able to connect deeper with the moment she chooses to draw inspiration from.
Each piece she creates tells a story, and she bases her title of the work on the moment being created and reflected on. 
Karriena seeks to use her work to connect with others on a deep and meaningful level and hopes to inspire others through her paintings to pause and reflect on a moment that comes to mind when engaging with her artwork. She aims to create a shared experience that transcends language and culture. Whether you are moved by the bold strokes of a brush or the intricate details of a mixed media composition, she hopes that her art will speak to your heart and soul, and encourages you to connect deeply with a moment in your personal journey and be able to experience the world in a new and vibrant way.